Wednesday, January 24, 2007

WiFi - I didn't know I was so ignorant. :-)

WiFi is something that has pretty much become the standard of today's networking for home users and public places.  Heck some towns offer WiFi through out downtown, free to the public.

One of the new fads out today in WiFi is the new draft N.  Personally I don't suggest someone to go out and buy a router that is designed for draft N, as it has not be finalized.  When it is actually finalized, your equipment will need to be updated with new firmware.  For most home users this is not something they want to undertake.  Therefore, I choose to recommend the defacto standard of 802.11 a/b/g routers and cards. 

I recently read a very good article that prompted this article and the title.  If you didn't know much about the WiFi world, you will after reading this article.  A great read for those that thought they knew WiFi and those that want to know!!  Read article here.