Friday, May 27, 2005

hmm...... what do you think?

i was reading another blog today and they are posting a picture of the day. i like that concept, except i want to do a word of the day.

todays word: gadabout - a person who flits about in social activity

know anyone like that?

happy friday

i have often wondered how packages get lost when shipping ups and fedex. they scan the packages at every checkpoint and that information is uploaded into the system. then how does the package just disappear?

this very thing happened to a package i sent to orlando fl. is was shipped out on may 19 and arrived in orlando on may 20. it was scanned again on may 21. it has never been seen again. where did it go?

good thing insurance was put on the item. now it's just a matter of time before they tell me they cannot find it in the lost and found and they pay for the cost of the package.

on a different note. woohoo! long weekend! we have monday off in observence of memorial day. then i have taken tuesday off as a vacation day. nice 4 day weekend.

as i mentioned in my previous post, i am going to the braves game sunday. can you tell i am excited?

waiting the day out

Thursday, May 26, 2005

braves vs. phillies

sunday, may 29. the braves will beat the phillies and i will be there to see it all!

this is my second game this year. i have already doubled my game total from last year. 1 :-) next year we plan on taking the kids. have to mortgage the house to make that trip.

catching the chipper home run

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

what? the week's not over yet?

long day.

oh, yeah, it's been a long day.

dragging around the sundial

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

if anyone was interested in what i look like, here is a pictrure of me

music, mind candy

i attribute my love for music to my teenager days. i did my share of experimenting, that is my story and I am sticking to it. during those times of experimentation, i used to get lost in music. back in those days, my music of choice was black sabbath and rush. i had most of their albums on 8 track (telling my age now) and if i didn't have an 8 track, i had the vinyl album. today my music choice is of the mellow genre. i still like to hear the dark hard metal of yesteryear from time to time, but i truly enjoy a good beat and catchy rhythm's. with my 1 hour drive to work and 1+ hour drive home, i can really get lost in the music during those travel times.

some of the artist i enjoy today are ohmega tribe, sounds from the ground, theivery corporation, electric skychurch, and many others. i listen to internet radio at work. the best internet radio that is commercial free and has a great music library is they have several station to choose from, and the groove salad station is by far the best if you are into mellow trip hop and jazzy grooves.

fading away into a song

Monday, May 23, 2005

the joy of monday

i didn't want to get up this morning. it was one of those days that i could have slept for a few more hours.

still waking up

Friday, May 20, 2005

did anyone order rain?

your order of rain is served!

sloshing into the weekend

what? another weekend?

it is upon us, another weekend that is. we have rain today but that is not supposed to ruin the weekend, at least the weather people are touting that statement.

i wonder how much money the movie industry is going to make on the new star wars. it's is amazing to me at the people who wait in lines weeks ahead of time to just get a ticket to see a movie. hello! the movie will be shown more than once! after that it will be on video and you and buy it and watch it as many times as you like! it baffles me.

spyware anyone? if you are a reading this, then you know about all the nasties on the net. spyware is, in my opinion, one of the worst. it clogs and bogs the system down to almost an unusable state. to rid you system of these little critters, you should use a combination of remedies. ad-aware se, microsoft antivirus beta and spybot s&d. the 3 punch combination is sure to produce a knockout.

raining in cola town

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

space the final frontier

i have always been a space buff. i find it very facinating and amazing. especially the distance. einstien determined that nothing could travel faster then the speed of light. this has yet to be disproved. so the distance of objects in space are measured in light years. think about that. something that is 1 light year away, would take an object 1 year to reach it traveling the speed of light.

here is something to ponder. the closest galaxy to our milkyway is canis major dwarf. it is a mere 42000 light years away from our galactic center! the closest star? proxima centauri. it's a mere 4.22 light years away, obviously it resides in the milkyway.

to put it in perspective, it took the voyager space craft 3 years and 2 months to reach saturn, if that space craft wanted to go to proxima centauri, it would take 75000 years! obviously we have not mastered space travel yet. at least not in a manner that allows us to travel beyond our solar system.

food for thought

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

another monday bites the dust

as the work day draws to an end, the weather is threatening to rain.

i threw out grass seed this weekend in hopes of actually having a yard this summer. the rain has eluded us for about two weeks and it could not hurt to get some today. maybe, just maybe my grass will start to grow and some semblance of a yard forms in front of my house.

may the evening greet you with a filing dinner and a tall glass of beer

america's past time

baseball that is, and if you live in the south, it is braves baseball! i am a huge fan. i can remember watching the braves with my dad as a kid. we didn't watch it much, but i do remember watching. in the 90's, i started watching consistently. i watched the worst to first seasons and from then on it's pretty much history. that is if you follow baseball.

i find that each and every year, i get frustrated at how they can win one or two, but not be able to put together much of a run until later in the season. it's not much of a complaint of mine as its just frustrating for me to watch. win two lose one, win one lose one, and so on.

they are in first place today, and will probably be there all year, barring something bad happening. i just wish they could make a good run early in the season. to make it less frustrating for me. will someone call the braves organization and tell them? :-)

Monday, May 16, 2005

posting just for the act of posting

i monitor several forums on a daily basis just to see what is interesting in the world of microsoft and hardware. I am not one to have much to say in the forums as i am just wandering around listening to what others have to say, catching a tidbit of useful information here and there. in my forum adventures, i am finding that people just want to be heard. it's not that they have anything useful to say, more in that they just want to have their typing voices heard. for someone like me, who is listening in, it is difficult to get to the meat of the subject for all the chattering going on off subject. this leads to my point. posting just for the act of posting, sucks. it cloggs the avenues of real discussion and makes it difficult to find the destination. if you must comment, then make it relevant.


mondays thought for the day

if you didn't already know, it's Monday. if you didn't, then wake up!

technology is something that i am a part of daily. new and old. i am old enough to remember seeing one of the first personal computers available. i was young and have no idea what model, but it was a tandy. i never knew that one day personal computers would be how i make my living. Todays kids have never known life without one. i personally have 5 running in my house now. one for each family member. i wonder what will be available when my grandchildren are born? what technology will they have on a daily basis that we today have either never seen or think of as being far fetched? an interesting ponder.

happy computing!

Friday, May 13, 2005

it's the weekend baby!


time to leave the dulldrums of work and move towards the western setting sun. driving blindly. subconcious taking me home, driving me through the line of smog emitting metal boxes.

tms is outa here!


do you ever find yourself waiting on the weekend? i try to not do that, as i feel that i am wasting my life away. those days that i am wanting to just get through are days that i should be enjoying. i feel the same way about sleeping late too. i hate it. first i just feel bad when i sleep past 8 or 9 am. second i can get alot done in the morning while others are sleeping. a sense of accomplishment is achieved!

another full weekend ahead.
see ya on the other side.

Thursday, May 12, 2005


i am not sure kids were put on this lovely planet to bring us joy as in a bundle of joy. i truely feel they are here to remind us how we were when we were kids. to be disobedient and spiteful at times and friendly and funny and loving at others. the kicker is that the time between the moods is about 2 seconds.

i can only take pleasure in knowing that one day they will have kids of their own and payback is hell!

tms out.
One day I will figure out how to post a picture......One day

The newest of new!

Hello, obviously this is the first post. Hopefully the first of many. Time will be the teller of that story.

To get started, this is a first for me. A site that provides feedback that is. I do have an original site that I have had for years. I post there all to infrequently. If I ever had any followers reading the site, they have lost interest by now. It was designed to look like a news paper front page, or that was my intentions. :-) I may just use it to post family things instead. Things like creating webpage christmas cards and email the link to family and friends instead of wasting money on postage. Who knows. There are many creative ways to use a web page, if only to find the time and Just Do It.

I hope to use this site as an avenue to express and reveal insights into the world of TheMiddaySun.
