Friday, September 14, 2007

Unlock that shiny new iPhone!

It seems that I read an article a day about people unlocking the iphone to allow them to use it on any network they want. Hmm.... isnt that what the FCC just ruled on?

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Here one to get the tech writers going!

From what I have read on a couple of forums and news sites, it appears that Microsoft is updating files on your machine even if you have Windows Update turned off! This is not good! Article here.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What another hit on Apple? no, but a big hit on the phone carrier of the iPhone.

Nothing like a $4,800 cell bill! Article here.

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I personally dislike iTunes

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WOW, never really thought much about it, but, I must agree....

Apple is now the hated software company, not Microsoft. tho I think people still hate Microsoft, Apple is now becoming the greater hated of the two. :-) Article here.

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