Saturday, October 14, 2006

Slow Saturday

Haven’t done much of anything today.  I did however, bring in the enormous amount of music CD's i had in my car to try and sort through them and determine which ones I truely listen to when in the car.  I counted them.  47 CD's.  Some in CD holders other stacked in a open space below my head unit (the stereo).  Okay, I admit that is a bit many music CD's to have hanging around in the car, and I also admit that I dont listen to all of them hence me bringing them into the house and sort through them.
I am a music freak, I love new music.  Notice the keyword, NEW.  I have, probably, over 1000 cd's in my collection, and this does not mean that each CD has one album, most of my CD's are mp3 CD's and contain more than one album.
It all started in early 2000.  I discovered  The now defunct website was a buttload of new talented artists trying to get noticed.  They posted their music on for free.  I started downloading all kinds of music.  at the time, most of what I was getting was Downtempo/Triphop.  Don’t confuse Triphop with the now popular Hip Hop.  They are vastly different.  I am now a member of  I discovered them in 2003.  I pay $20.00 a month and get 90 downloads.  Most every month, I use all my downloads.  That is 1080 songs a year, and I have been doing it for 3 years.  You do the math.
Anyway, I hope to sort through my 30 + CD’s from the car and dwindle them down to approximately 15 or so.
Listening to my music.