Thursday, June 09, 2005

conversation from the office

at work yesterday we started a conversation about marriage. it is uncanny how many of us have married people that remind us of our parents. i feel that i have done that. maybe that is why i get along so well with my wife. we fit very well. i see many thing in her that i also see in my mother, personality traits, mannerisms, ideals, and others.
we talked about people marrying too young and/or too quick. my parents are an exception to that rule, but many are not. i married my first wife when i was 27. i was an immature 27, which i would say alot of men are in their 20's. i did not really know who i was and what i wanted. i married because i felt that is what i was supposed to do. my coworkers that have been married more than once stated the same ideas.
we also talked about how people do not seem to want to work towards a relationship. they feel like they are the only one right in the relationship. but it takes two to make it work, and it takes two to make it go awry.
something the minister told me and my wife when we were about to get married is to not leave your partner in anger. always give your partner a kiss and hug bye. never go to bed angry. these ideals are good practice.

trying to practicing what i preach