Friday, December 22, 2006

Paying for gaming lessons, what?

I think I’m getting a little old.  As I am reading my daily sites, I find an article about a 15 years old gamer that is charging for lessons.  Intrigued, I read the full article on  Though the article was very well written and kept me interest throughout, I am baffled at how serious people take gaming these days.  I enjoy playing games probably more then most 41 year olds do, but would I actually pay for lessons?  No. 

Maybe  I am too old for today’s generation.  I would like to think that I am hip or cool.  I can relate to my kids very well, understand their quirky nuances and I feel that I am rather open minded about today’s "different" looks and styles.  But to me, gaming is fun.  It's a way to blow off steam from the work days frustrations,  to get away for a few and leave the real world behind.  It's not a serious adventure.  I don’t care that I get beat by the computer or a 15 year old kid. It's still fun to lose myself in a game for a few. To actually pay someone to teach me how to play a game better and become an elitist?  No, I don’t think so.

You can find the article I read here.

Trying to keep a good perspecticve.  TMS