Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ha! A little insigth into the MS Office world.

Cute article about MS employees office bungles. Article here.

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Friday, August 24, 2007

Have a Vista fetish, but cant afford the cost of a new OS?

Here is a nice guide to make your Windows XP system look and act like Vista. Article here.

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Cant wait for this one!

Windows Vista Sp1 Beta available in September!!! Article here.

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

I'm so tired of the MAC fanboys

They are always crying that the MAC is sooo much better then the PC with Windows. Well, here's an article to quiet the crowd. Article here.

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WOW, I am posting again! Been too long, so here ya go

I never really gave much thought about Web OS's, so I really didnt know that there were so many, some are much more robust than others, but hey, a free working environment that u can use anywhere, might be the ticket if you find yourself restricted on an internet kiosk and want to access your workspace. Check out this article that talks about 45+ web OS's
Article here.

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Here is a great article

A ZDnet writer wrote an article about people not wanting to move from a paid for operating system like Windows and MAC, to a free operating system like Linux. This is a rebuttal/follow up to that article. Article link here.

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